E-Commerce Entrepreneurship

Last Update March 16, 2024
6 already enrolled

About This Course

Market Value:

  • The global e-commerce market was valued at approximately $4.28 trillion in 2020.
  • This figure includes retail e-commerce sales of products and services through online platforms.

Market Estimation:

  • E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet.
  • It encompasses various business models such as business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), consumer-to-consumer (C2C), and more.

Forecasted Market Value:

  • The global e-commerce market is expected to continue its robust growth, reaching over $6.3 trillion by 2024.
  • The Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to be the fastest-growing e-commerce market, driven by China and India.
  • Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is also on the rise, with projections of reaching $3.56 trillion by 2024.

Key Factors Driving Growth:

  • Increasing internet penetration and smartphone adoption worldwide.
  • Convenience and ease of online shopping, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Expansion of cross-border e-commerce, allowing businesses to reach global markets.
  • Adoption of digital payment solutions and secure online transactions.
  • Growth of online marketplaces, social commerce, and subscription-based e-commerce models.


The E-commerce Entrepreneurship course offered by Atechup provides entrepreneurs with essential insights and strategies to thrive in the booming e-commerce industry. With the market projected to reach trillions of dollars in the coming years, there are vast opportunities for startups and businesses to establish successful online ventures, build strong brands, and reach a global customer base.

Ecommerce Trends
  • Discount Codes
  • Referral System
  • Bundle Sales
  • Upsell & Cross Sell
  • Smart Search Filters
  • Product SEO
  • Layouts Design
  • Ecommerce UX
  • Email Marketing
  • Abandoned Cart Follow-up
  • Chatbot-Commerce
  • Ecommerce Automation
  • Live-Commerce
  • Inactive Customers Campaigns
  • Rewarding Reviews
  • Social Media Sharing
  • Wishlist Integration
  • and much more

E-Commerce Strategies 2.0
  • Multilanguage Options
  • Content Strategy
  • Voice Commerce
  • AI Integration
  • Traffic Analytics
  • Personalized Ecommerce
  • Commerce-App
  • Video Products
  • and much more

E-Commerce Tactics 2.0
  • Buy Now, Pay Later Options
  • Email Notifications
  • Order Tracking
  • Packaging & Shipping Strategy
  • CRM Integration
  • Website Pop-ups
  • Ecommerce FAQ Strategy
  • CTA Strategy
  • and much more

E-Commerce Industry Innovation
  • Gamification
  • Ecommerce Bonus & Point System
  • Visual Wizard
  • Ecommerce Performance
  • Ecommerce Ops
  • Multi-Currency Option
  • Product Suggestion System
  • Crypto Payments
  • Order Automation
  • AR Products
  • Product Bundle Subscriptions
  • Adtech Integration
  • and much more

Learning Objectives

Learn to Develop a Successful E-Commerce Tech Startup
Step by Step Instructions for Developing a E-Commerce Startup
Get an Holistic Understanding of E-Commerce Entrepreneurship
Save 10X of Your Time with our E-Commerce Entrepreneurship Program
Receive 10X Return Of Investment (ROI) than a regular education program with our E-Commerce Entrepreneurship Program
Complete E-Commerce Tech Entrepreneurship Mentorship & Guidance
Explore 100+ E-Commerce Tech Market, Industry, Business, Startup Trends
Explore New Strategies, Solutions, Innovations and Perspectives on E-Commerce Entrepreneurship
Complete a E-Commerce Tech Startup Business Setup: From Startup Idea, To Funding, To MVP, To Launch
Go From Beginner To Advanced E-Commerce Entrepreneur in No Time with No Prerequisite knowledge, skills, programming or tech background needed except an open mindset
Explore 100+ E-Commerce Tech Startup Ideas
Learn To Provide with E-Commerce Services, Solutions, Consulting, Support & Counselling


11h 15m

E-Commerce Startup Introduction

E-Commerce Startup Introduction

E-Commerce Startup Trends

E-Commerce Startup Trends

E-Commerce Startup Ideas

E-Commerce Startup Ideas

599 $

Duration 11.3 hours

Material Includes

  • 1080p Full HD Video
  • 4K Video
  • Entrepreneurship Certification
  • 1 Year Subscription
  • Student Dashboard

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